Mechanica 2011 - IIT Madras

April 9,10 (Mechanical)

Mechanica 2011, an annual technical festival of the Mechanical Engineering Department of IIT Madras, Chennai. At Mechanica, we present to you unparallel oppoirtunities to test your skills.

National Symposium on Rotor Dynamics - IIT Madras

December 19,20,21

Most machines have one or more rotating parts. Rotating machine elements thus form the backbone of industrial infrastructure and therefore play a pivotal role in the growth and development of the country. Rotor Dynamics is the key in design and maintenance of all such rotating machinery. This area has made tremendous strides in recent years.

ObCom 2011 - VIT

September 9

This International Conference is a major event to be conducted following the grand success of series of ObCom conferences during 2003, 2004 and 2006, which were audited by a good number of participants from Academia and Industry across the World. The past ObCom conferences received good contributions from academia, industry and research organizations. Our sponsors included governmental and non-governmental agencies like DRDO, ISTE, DIT, CSIR etc.

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Technical Papers and Symposium Details

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Micro Electro Mechanical Systems(MEMS)

Posted by tpapers On 9:20 pm 0 comments

Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) is the integration of mechanical elements, sensors, actuators, and electronics on a common silicon substrate through microfabrication technology. While the electronics are fabricated using integrated circuit (IC) process sequences (e.g., CMOS, Bipolar, or BICMOS processes), the micromechanical components are fabricated using compatible "micromachining" processes that selectively etch away parts of the silicon wafer or add new structural layers to form the mechanical and electromechanical devices.
MEMS promises to revolutionize nearly every product category by bringing together silicon-based microelectronics with micromachining technology, making possible the realization of complete systems-on-a-chip. MEMS is an enabling technology allowing the development of smart products, augmenting the computational ability of microelectronics with the perception and control capabilities of microsensors and microactuators and expanding the space of possible designs and applications.


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Wearable Bio Sensors

Posted by tpapers On 9:18 pm 1 comments

Wearable sensors and systems have evolved to the point that they can be considered ready for clinical application. The use of wearable monitoring devices that allow continuous or intermittent monitoring of physiological signals is critical for the advancement of both the diagnosis as well as treatment of diseases.   Wearable systems are totally non-obtrusive devices that allow physicians to overcome the limitations of ambulatory technology and provide a response to the need for monitoring individuals over weeks or months. They typically rely on wireless miniature sensors enclosed in patches or bandages or in items that can be worn, such as ring or shirt. The data sets recorded using these systems are then processed to detect events predictive of possible worsening of the patient’s clinical situations or they are explored to access the impact of clinical interventions.  


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Robotic surgery

Posted by tpapers On 9:16 pm 1 comments

Robot-assisted surgery is the latest development in the larger movement of endoscopy, a type of minimally invasive surgery--the idea being that less invasive procedures translate into less trauma and pain for patients. Surgery through smaller incisions typically results in less scarring and faster recovery. It's not that robots are changing the basics of surgery. Surgeons are still cutting and sewing like they have been for decades. Robots represent a new computer-assisted tool that provides another way for surgeons to work.
Rather than cutting patients open, endoscopy allows surgeons to operate through small incisions by using an endoscope. This fiber optic instrument has a small video camera that gives doctors a magnified internal view of a surgical site on a television screen.
In abdominal endoscopy, known as laparoscopy, surgeons thread the fiber optic instrument into the abdomen. First performed in the late 1980s, laparoscopy is now routine for many procedures, such as surgery on the gallbladder and on female organs.
With robotic surgical systems, surgeons don't move endoscopic instruments directly with their hands. Instead, surgeons sit at a console several feet from the operating table and use joysticks similar to those used in video games. They perform surgical tasks by guiding the movement of the robotic arms in a process known as tele-manipulation.


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Artificial Eye

Posted by tpapers On 9:13 pm 8 comments

The retina is a thin layer of neural tissue that lines the back wall inside the eye. Some of these cells act to receive light, while others interpret the information and send messages to the brain through the optic nerve. This is part of the process that enables us to see. In damaged or dysfunctional retina, the photoreceptors stop working, causing blindness. By some estimates, there are more than 10 million people worldwide affected by retinal diseases that lead to loss of vision.
The absence of effective therapeutic remedies for retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) has motivated the development of experimental strategies to restore some degree of visual function to affected patients. Because the remaining retinal layers are anatomically spared, several approaches have been designed to artificially activate this residual retina and thereby the visual system.
At present, two general strategies have been pursued. The “Epiretinal” approach involves a semiconductor-based device placed above the retina, close to or in contact with the nerve fiber layer retinal ganglion cells. The information in this approach must be captured by a camera system before transmitting data and energy to the implant. The “Sub retinal” approach involves the electrical stimulation of the inner retina from the sub retinal space by implantation of a semiconductor-based micro photodiode array (MPA) into this location. The concept of the sub retinal approach is that electrical charge generated by the MPA in response to a light stimulus may be used to artificially alter the membrane potential of neurons in the remaining retinal layers in a manner to produce formed images.


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GPS Technology

Posted by tpapers On 9:08 pm 4 comments

Throughout time people have developed a variety of ways to figure out their position on earth and to navigate from one place to another. Early mariners relied on angular measurements to celestial bodies like sun and stars to calculate their location. The 1920s witnessed the introduction of more advanced technique-radio navigation-based at first on radios that allowed navigators to locate the direction of shore-based transmitters when in range. Later development of artificial satellites made possible the transmission of more precise, line of sight radio navigation signals and sparked a new era in navigation technology. Satellites are first used in position finding in a simple but reliable 2D Navy system called Transit. This laid the groundwork for a system that would later revolutionize navigation for ever-the Global Positioning System
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite based navigation system. The concept of GPS was introduced by the United States Department of Defense (DoD). It is in the year 1994 that the GPS was completely developed. The GPS is developed to provide continuous, highly precise positions, velocity and time information to the land, sea, air and space based users. The intent of system is to use a combination of ground stations, orbiting satellites and special receivers to provide navigation capabilities to virtually everyone, at any time, anywhere in the world, regardless of weather conditions.


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Posted by tpapers On 9:05 pm 0 comments

The goal of the Smart Dust project is to build a self-contained, millimeter-scale sensing and communication platform for a massively distributed sensor network.  This device will be around the size of a grain of sand and will contain sensors, computational ability, bi-directional wireless communications, and a power supply, while being inexpensive enough to deploy by the hundreds.  The science and engineering goal of the project is to build a complete, complex system in a tiny volume using state-of-the art technologies, which will require evolutionary and revolutionary advances in integration, miniaturization, and energy management.  We foresee many applications for this technology: Weather/seismological monitoring on Mars, Internal spacecraft monitoring, Land/space comm. Networks, Chemical/biological sensors, Weapons stockpile monitoring, Defense-related sensor networks, Inventory Control, Product quality monitoring, Smart office spaces, Sports - sailing, balls.


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Quantum mirage

Posted by tpapers On 9:00 pm 0 comments

Since it first appeared on the cover of Nature in February 2000, the quantum mirage” has featured on posters, calendars, websites and the covers of various books and magazines. The image – which was obtained using a scanning tunnelling microscope – shows the electronic wavefunctions inside an elliptical “quantum corral” made of cobalt atoms on a copper surface. It was created by Hari Manoharan, Christopher Lutz and Don Eigler of the IBM Almaden Research Center in California. In 1990, working with Erhard Schweizer, Eiger spelt out the letters “IBM” using 35 xenon atoms. And three years later, working with Lutz and Michael Crommie, he released the first images of the “quantum corral”, which have also been reproduced in numerous places.
. The quantum mirage uses the wave nature of electrons to move the information, instead of a wire, so it has the potential to enable data transfer within future nano-scale electronic circuits so small that conventional wires do not work. It will be years before this technology becomes practical, but it could eventually yield computers that are many orders of magnitude smaller, faster, and less power-hungry than anything we can conceive today.


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Posted by tpapers On 8:51 pm 0 comments

Biotelemetry is a vital constituent in the field of medical sciences. It entails remote measurement of biological parameters. Transmission of physiological data from point of generation to the point of reception can take many forms. Biotelemetry, using wireless diagnosis, can monitor electronically the symptoms and movements of patients. This development has opened up avenues for medical diagnosis and treatment.
It enables monitoring of activity levels in patients suffering from heart troubles, asthma, pain, Alzheimer’s disease, mood disorders, cardiovascular problems, accidents, etc. A patient’s response and reaction to drugs can also be investigated for treatment. Radio telemetry transmits biological data using various radio transmission techniques. No wires are required to be attached to the patient’s body. The patient just carries a bracelet-sized transmitter that enables monitoring of the patients symptoms. Carrier modulation, physiological data encoding, frequency and time division multiplexing blocking oscillator or Endoradiosonde, receivers and antennas for Biotelemetry, power sources, and transcutaneous power transfer are discussed in this paper.


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Power Monitoring System

Posted by tpapers On 8:45 pm 0 comments

The microcontroller-based power monitoring system is an electronic device used to continuously monitor the parameters of power such as voltage, current, frequency, etc at the various points of an electric or electronics devices. The entire system is controlled by the microcontroller (80C31) and it is the real time monitoring of various parameters. Thus the name “REAL TIME MONITORING OF HIGH CAPACITY (400KVA-600KVA) BATTERY BACK UP SYSTEM”. This system is an 8-channel device, which accepts 8 analog input signals and consist of analog multiplexer, A/D converter, ROM, RAM, buffer etc. The different channels are selected by simple switch operation. From the UPS the channels and alarms are given to the microcontroller and it will process and control the parameters.


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